Passive voice: third person examples

The use of the passive voice is an essential component of correct English grammar, and it has many uses. In today’s article, we will learn 20 third person passive voice examples.

Passive voice: third person examples
3rd person passive voice examples

What is the third person in English grammar?

Before going to passive voice examples of a third person, we must understand what a third person is in English grammar. The third person is actually the person about whom we are talking. The third person does not really mean that it will be only a person. The third person can be anything, including living and non-living things. Here are some examples of the third person.

1. Hannia will buy a red dress. (Hannia is in 3rd person because we are talking about Hannia.)

2. Cows are eating grass in a field. (Cows are 3rd person because we are talking about cows.)

3. Machines are not working due to frequent power cuts. (Similarly, machines are 3rd person, because we are talking about machines.)

Third person passive voice examples:

In this section, we will learn 20 third person passive voice examples. Along with passive voice, we also have examples of active and passive voice in the third person.

Related Article: [Subordinators in English Grammar]

20 examples of Passive voice in the third person:

1. The naughty children made a disturbance in society (Active).

A disturbance was made by the naughty children in society. (Passive).

2. People have caught a bike robber. (Active)

A bike robber has been caught by people. (Passive).

3. Someone had set the ship on fire (Active)

The ship had been set on fire by someone. (Passive).

4. A cruel hunter catches birds (Active)

Birds are caught by a cruel hunter. (Passive).

5. Does he hide his faults? (Active)

Are his faults hidden by him? (Passive).

6. The old lady helped the little boy. (Active)

The little boy was helped by the old lady. (Passive).

7. Reeta uses WhatsApp (Active).

WhatsApp is used by Reeta.(Passive) .

8. He will get nothing in a hurry. (Active)

Nothing in a hurry will be gotten by him. (Passive).

9. The noise frightened people. (Active)

People were frightened by the noise. (Passive).

10. Ahmed has sold a new bicycle. (Active)

A new bicycle has been sold by Ahmed. (Passive).

11. Maria’s work pleased the teacher. (Active)

The teacher was pleased by Maria’s work. (Passive).

12. Someone has stolen a woman’s purse. (Active)

A woman’s purse has been stolen by someone. (Passive).

13. Did Vrat Kholi score 100 runs in the Asia Cup? (Active)

Were 100 runs scored in the Asia Cup by Vrat Kholi? (Passive).

14. The teacher uses videos for teaching students. (Active)

Videos are used by the teacher for teaching students. (Passive).

15. Tina’s friends laughed at him. (Active)

He was laughed at by Tina’s friends. (Passive).

16. Who presented this project? (Active)

By whom was this project presented? (Passive).

17. A horrific fire damaged the house. (Active)

The house was damaged by a horrific fire. (Passive).

18. Meena did not speak a single word. (Active)

A single word was not spoken by Meena. (Passive).

19. When will Sarah return the history book? (Active)

When will the history book be returned by Sarah? (Passive).

20. The manager handed him a cheque worth Rs 10 million. (Active)

He was handed a cheque worth Rs 10 million by the manager. (Passive).

20 examples of Passive voice in the third person:
3rd person passive voice examples

So, we learn active and passive voice examples of the third person. If you have any problems, please let us know.