Abuses of ICT

Undoubtedly, there are two sides to everything. Let’s take an example of a magnet that has a north pole as well as a south pole. If we specifically talk about ICT (INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY) which has made our life incredibly easier than ever as it provides us the best available sources for which we are looking for in merely one click. Along with having a tremendous positive side ICT, however, has a negative side too. The immense growth of ICT has also given birth to many things that come under the influence of its abuses. In this article, we are going to cover up the abuses of ICT. 


Nowadays, a smartphone has become a necessary ingredient in everyone's life, and it won’t be strange if we sarcastically name a smartphone as another source of oxygen for us. Almost every age of person owns a smartphone, and due to this gigantic rise in abuses the very first abuse come is:


Yes, these days the trend of rumors is extensively being circulated on various social media forums. It does not only create panic but also creates confusion among people.

Due to such rumors, people are not able to decide what to do or where to go. For instance, the rumor about the COVID-19 vaccination produced uncertainty at a large scale among the people as one of the men showed an electric bulb was glowing after getting the jabs of the covid-19 dose. Similarly, another man manifested that a magnet was attracted to his body after going through the vaccination process.

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We cannot deny the fact that online fraud occurs and still occurring in a wide range. Many people have been victimized due to this online fraud and as a result, they lost their hard-earning earnings. According to statics, it shows 47% of Americans have faced online fraud in 2020.


Some people deliberately socialize false content on social media to defame someone; satisfying their ill-wills or creating chaos in society.


The proliferating of Technology is also the cause of expanding of idleness at a large level among people even though these days, children seem lazier than an average 60+ age person. It is due to technology, people especially children do not care about their health and this is the reason the obesity level is largely found among youngsters.


Certainly, distraction is also one of the reasons due to ICT. A communication gap extensively passes off among the people. Technology has made them that much isolated that they are not able to share their problems with their loved ones even with their parents as a consequence they suffer from depression and anxiety.     



Culture possesses an enormous position, and everyone must put their efforts to keep it alive, but unfortunately, people’s intriguing involvement in technology does not encourage them to know about their culture and this is the reason that a substantial portion of people does not know about their culture and history of traditions, but rather they are oddly copying other’s cultures and styles. 


Certainly, it is a fact that changing in behavior mainly of youngsters is turning into a serious problem presently. They have failed to remember how to respect their parents, peers, and elders. Usually, children misbehave with their parents whenever their parents prohibit them not to use a mobile phone or play games on a computer, and thusly, they do not pay proper heed to their education.


ICT has provided such a platform where we can find out our required results with a mere one click, and in this way, we are shifting to duplication which means we copy someone’s idea as ours. For instance, when a student is assigned an assignment they usually utilize the source of technology for completing it within a given time, so, in this way students speak from someone’s else perspective rather than their mind.